Material graph to render target via compute in UE5
This is similar to the Draw Material to Render Target
node provided by Unreal but executed through compute.
Get the code
- Generate or download the template using the instructions above
- Rebuild your project
- Create or navigate to an existing Blueprint
- Right-click and add the node called “Execute Material RTCompute Shader”
- The render target you use should be a multiple of 32. If not the sampler might go over the edge and wrap back around (depending on your settings).
Helpful reading
Sample snippet
// rtmat.usf
#include "/Engine/Generated/Material.ush"
#include "/Engine/Public/Platform.ush"
RWTexture2D<float3> RenderTarget;
void RTMatExample(
uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID,
uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex )
float4 SvPosition = float4(DispatchThreadId.xy, 0, 0);
FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters = MakeInitializedMaterialPixelParameters();
// There are various inputs we can provide to the material graph via FMaterialPixelParameters
// See:
MaterialParameters.VertexColor = half4(1, 1, 0, 1);
FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs = (FPixelMaterialInputs)0;
// This is the call to the material graph
CalcMaterialParameters(MaterialParameters, PixelMaterialInputs, SvPosition, true);
// PixelMaterialInputs is a struct that contains the outputs of the material graph
// Use the provided helper methods ( GetMaterialXYZ(...) ) to access the outputs
// See:
RenderTarget[DispatchThreadId.xy] = GetMaterialBaseColor(PixelMaterialInputs);