Pink and blue PI symbol
Unreal Blueprint graph calling a compute shader

Calculate PI

Calculate PI via compute in UE5

This example approximates PI in parallel using the Monte Carlo method. When running you’re only going to be able to get about 2-3 decimal places of accuracy.

Get the code

$ shadeup-unreal
 > [COMPUTE] Compute Shader
 > PI


  1. Generate or download the template using the instructions above
  2. Rebuild your project
  3. Create or navigate to an existing Blueprint
  4. Right-click and add the node called “Execute PICompute Shader”


Helpful reading

Sample snippet

// pi.usf

#include "/Engine/Public/Platform.ush"

// Calculate π using the monte carlo method

// Output has 1 element: [numInCircle]
RWBuffer<uint> Output;

// Seed the random number generator
float Seed = 0.0f;

float random( float2 p )
    float2 r = float2(
    return frac( cos( dot(p,r) ) * 12345.6789 );

void PIExample(
	uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID,
	uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex )
	float2 RandomPosition = float2(
		random(float2(GroupIndex * THREADS_X + DispatchThreadId.x, 10 + Seed)),
		random(float2(GroupIndex * THREADS_X + DispatchThreadId.x, 20 * Seed))
	float Dist = length(RandomPosition);

	if (Dist < 1.0f) {
		uint Dummy;
		InterlockedAdd(Output[0], 1, Dummy);